Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pictures of Grandchildren

Caden & Logan

I love Spring!! With Spring comes the beauty of new flowers in bloom. Of course, with that comes allergies, but some things must be endured to have the beauty!

My three grandchildren are most amazing, sweet, loving and just precious!! I have to post pictures of all three of them here since I haven't put any new ones of Caden up in a long time.


Aunt Gwen's 80th Birthday

The first cousins of our family had an 80th Birthday party for Aunt Gwen in Baldwin, Florida on March 21st (which is her actual birth date) as well as a first cousins reunion. We started the first cousins reunion in about 1980 and we invited the aunts, uncles and grandmother to attend as well. We've had one about every 10 years and in the last year we've had two. We hope to make this an annual event.

Dana & Laura (Aunt Gwen's granddaughters) planned the party/reunion. It was great fun and they did a great job!! Two of the first cousins, Ellen and Shirley, flew in from California along with Ellen's daughter, Lisa. The three first cousins that have passed away were missed terribly. Linda, Paul and Gary are those that were missing. Unfortunately Eric Kramer wasn't able to make it as he had to work.